Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mommy says HI!

Look! Another mommy on the internet blogging all the things! Will I be a dedicated blogger who posts cute photos of her kids covered in finger paint with adorable fonts proclaiming, "Best ever fingerpaint I invented all on my own that magically cleans itself from all the non-paper surfaces."? Probably not...

But I may make you laugh occasionally. Basically I need to blow off some steam. I may post some pictures. But they will probably be more along the lines of this:

Because that is, honest to God, what my house looks like 7/10ths of the time. But the kids will probably be hanging from the ceiling in some kind of duct tape contraption Hubby happily built for them.

The Proper Mommies out there are probably reaching for the phone to call CPS, but duct tape contraptions aren't actually covered by them. Just so you know. Plus the kids are still alive. Plus you probably actually invented fingerpaint that cleans itself and have no clue what cleaning up a crayon mess like the above is actually like, so cut a mama some slack.

What I'm trying to say is it's looney, messy, crazy, and full of love here in my household. We're a blended family (I shudder when I say that because all I can see is a giant blender and my poor family being whipped around inside...well actually that's what it's really like).

So hi to you other mommies who haven't quite figured out how to get into the Proper Mommies Club from a mommy in her pjs, with a mug of coffee (FINE it's my second cup...that I remember), and hair sticking out all over the place with kids running around in nothing but underwear and eating the rolls left from dinner last night. That's a run on sentence. But you know what? I no longer care. Here's to surviving mommyhood!